Your mind, your body
Work related stress appears to be a constant in many people’s lives, affecting us in many different ways. The mind-body connection is so powerful that work stressors are often the precursor to physical ailments and I have had direct experience of this, as a periodic sufferer of sciatica. Sciatica is pain which runs along the […]
October is Menopause Awareness Month
The International Menopause Society, has been raising awareness of the menopause every October since 2009. This year's theme addresses 'menopause brain fog'. The term is used a lot but includes some of the following: difficulty remembering words or numbers, forgetting appointments and finding it hard to focus. These, along with other distressing vasomotor symptoms, such […]
Love your feet!
  As autumn sets in and winter approaches many people are tucking their feet into thick socks and boots again, thankful that they can forget about them until the summer comes around. Are you one of those people who heave a sigh of relief that you won’t have to look at your feet again for […]